Meet the Leaders

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, B.S., Industrial Design

During his undergraduate studies at Javeriana University, Gregorio focused his industrial design career in social, hands on design, working in a rural community in Palomino, Colombia. This five-year project designed and constructed solutions hand-in-hand with the villagers, and won the UNESCO Shenzhen Design Award, among other recognitions. Enthusiastic about the outdoors and education, Gregorio worked for Colombia’s biggest outdoor education company and has led expeditions all over Colombia, his home country, and other South American destinations. After graduation, in alliance with the Global Heritage Fund, he designed and constructed sustainable projects in the Lost City, the most important archaeological park in Colombia. In 2016, he moved to the other side of the world, and is now living in Laos, working to connect local communities and tourists in a project that seeks to use tourism as a positive force for society and the environment. Passionate about conservation, Gregorio is focusing his work and life to help the wild population of endangered Asian elephants. He has twice led Putney’s Community Service Peru program, and last year led Community Service Ecuador & the Galápagos. He has traveled extensively in Brazil, Argentina, Panama, Cuba, Guatemala, Germany, Austria, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Singapore, the Philippines, and elsewhere. Gregorio is fluent in English, speaks basic Lao, and is a native Spanish speaker.

Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, B.S., Industrial Design

While studying at Javeriana University, Juliana worked as a senior instructor and program director with Off Bound Adventures, an outdoor education company in Colombia, traveling extensively in Colombia, her home country, with students from different schools. She focused her studies in social and innovative design and won a scholarship to attend a Short Course in Brazil with the United World Colleges, a movement that she has supported and volunteered with ever since. After graduating with high honors, Juliana started full-time work with Off Bound Adventures. She has traveled on her own and in student expeditions to numerous Latin American and Asian countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, the Philippines, Singapore, and Panama, among others. As a traveler, she values getting to know the culture of every place she visits. She was a ballet and contemporary dancer for many years and is also passionate about diving. For the past three years, she has been living in Luang Prabang, Laos, where she worked at Fair Trek as a program manager, organizing community-based tourism projects for student travel groups from all over the world. Juliana has twice led Putney’s Community Service program to Costa Rica, and has led Community Service Ecuador & the Galápagos. She is a native Spanish speaker and speaks English and basic Lao.