Adrenaline-Soaked Rafting

After saying goodbye to the community in La Guazara, we got on our bus and drove all the way to Jarabacoa. We stayed at a beautiful hotel located in the Dominican mountains with the most stunning views. Our rooms had balconies that let the breeze into our rooms and we were all happy to have beds and warm showers.

One of the main highlights of our stay in Jarabacoa was white water rafting. The group was divided in three groups; each group had a guide and we made it through the Yaque River. It was exciting, adventurous, and a great experience for everyone. It was the first time rafting for a lot of us and we all wanted more by the end of it.


We took our meals on the terrace with the most amazing views. 
Our treks.

After rafting, we dried off, changed, and did a little walk through the area. We went back to our hotel, chilled, and then had a great BBQ for dinner.

The next day, we drove all the way to Samana. It was a long drive but we got to see towns, mountains, and views full of coconut trees and one type of tree called yarumo that looks like it has silver leaves.

We arrived to our lodge in the Samana peninsula during the afternoon! This place focuses on sustainability so it is off the electric grid and the entire place runs on solar panels. Because of this, charging phones is not that easy, wifi is not good, and service is hard to get but we are having the best time and we will do our best to keep you posted!

We’ll share more rafting photos in another post!


Juliana & Greg