Forming a Long-Lasting Friendship

This post features student writing.


Over these past couple of weeks in this amazing community, we each had to complete an independent project, and after meeting the amazing kitchen crew, I knew I wanted to get involved and use them as my inspiration for my project. For the first couple of days I saw and tasted the amazing work of Tanya, Ananjel, and Leiry, the locals that cooked for us throughout the program. They were so warm and welcoming to us and did so much for us behind the scenes in the kitchen to make our stay here more enjoyable. I slowly got to know each one of them one by one but I especially connected with Leiry, a 15-year-old girl who worked alongside her mom, Tanya. I talked with my leaders and we decided that I could spend a day with the ladies in the kitchen and learn how to make two new desserts. I became Leiry’s shadow, helping her with everything I could. Later that day I spent time after making lunch cutting up fruit for our first dessert. We talked for hours and I learned about her backstory and how she wants to become a doctor. We ended up making dulce de frutas and the outcome was successful as the Putney group was left wanting more. Two days later I met with Leiry again and we began another baking session. This time we cooked flan. During the midst of the cooking process we ventured off to her house where she showed me insight to her everyday life. I got the chance to meet her abuela, who was especially sweet to me, and I also saw her quinceañera photos in which she was wearing a beautiful dress. Over the course of the day as I got to know Leiry better, I knew I just wasn’t learning to make a dessert — I was forming a long-lasting friendship. Even though the power was on and off throughout our baking session we persevered and finished our flan with ease. Lastly we sat and waited and during this time we talked about everything and anything from family to makeup. She truly has become one of my best friends here. When our flan was done I presented it the next day to the group and got to see each and every person enjoy the fruits of Leiry’s and my labor. As the days in La Guazara come to an end I know that this friendship is far from over.


— Alaina