A Relaxing Break

This post features student writing.

Word of the day:


After a long day of work filled with filling buckets of cement and working with the friendly locals at the village, the Putney group was ready for a relaxing day at the beach.

Early the next morning at around six, the group was rushing onto the bus for their day at the beach. Despite the fact that the clouds were clumped together and rain droplets were drizzling down, the group’s high spirits couldn’t be diminished.

At around noon, the group arrived at a local restaurant near the beach to have a quick meal before taking a relaxing boat ride to the beach itself. Jumping into the clear blue ocean was most definitely a highlight of the day.

Joining the Putney group at the beach were some of the villagers who have been helping us on our goal of making 20y floors for the village houses, along with the amazing kitchen staff. The group switched off between tanning on the powdery sand, taking underwater pictures, and playing around in the ocean. Everyone truly had a blast this past Saturday.

After the beach day came to an end, the group took yet another relaxing boat ride back to their starting location, followed by a bus ride to their overnight stay.

The place in which the group stayed complemented the relaxing surroundings of the beach, as it was encompassed by beautiful white sands and crystal blue ocean water. The group was excited to finish their day off somewhere so exquisite.

Dinner was also exquisite. The overnight stay provided the Putney group with meals of shrimp and alfredo sauce, chicken parmasan, spaghetti, and other great meals.

As the night came to an end, the group went to their assigned rooms, which were tents filled with actual beds, which we were thrilled to have. The group was more than thankful to have had such a relaxing and fun day.

— Hailey B.