Exciting Work and Surprise

The word of the day will now be available in English and in Spanish in honor of the language we are practicing every day 🙂





We woke up as usual, had a really nice breakfast, and got ready to work. This time we were divided in two groups. One group got a house that was 20 minutes away from the school. We walked there and met the family who live there. They were really nice! We worked really hard on that house since it had two rooms and it was a large area. We pushed lunch time a little bit since the cement was already prepared and once it’s wet we need to use it or it goes to waste. The other group got a house closer to the liceo and worked really hard as well. When we met back at the liceo for lunch, everyone ate and went straight to nap.

We woke up with Gregorio’s surprise that, since we had worked so hard during the morning shift, we were going to the river instead of back to work! We changed, walked to the river, and got in the cold water. The locals found jaibas, or river crabs, that were big! The lady from the house far away gave us savila, or aloe leaves, so Juliana made us a natural hair treatment that we all used and washed at the river. Overall, we were excited to finish the houses and to see the excitement in the families’ faces, we were excited to go to the river, and we are excited to see what else the Dominican Republic has in store for us!

— Community Service Dominican Republic 2019