Bahia de las Aguilas

This post features student writing.

This weekend we went to a beautiful beach called Bahia de las Aguilas just southwest of La Guazara. We left for the beach early Saturday morning (at 7 a.m.) and invited some locals to join us. The drive to the beach was around 3 hours. Along the bus ride, there were many scenic views and we even stopped to take pictures. When we arrived at the beach site where we would be camping that night, we had an early lunch at a nearby restaurant and ate traditional Dominican style food. After lunch, we took a boat ride to Bahia de las Aguilas – a beautiful, white sand beach and hung out all afternoon. The boat ride went by beautiful cliffs, through protruding boulders and sailed over perfectly clear blue water. While at the beach, we played, relaxed, and were able to rent snorkeling gear to see all the tropical fish and some coral. After our afternoon in the beautiful turquoise waters, we ate dinner, set up our tents, and slept under the stars.

The next day, we packed up our camping supplies, ate breakfast, then drove to a freshwater river that ran into the ocean. Some of our group chose to stay there while others went down the road to watch the World Cup final game of France vs. Croatia. After France won 4-2 (woohoo!), we regrouped and headed home while watching a movie on the bus. We ate an early dinner Sunday night and then all went to watch a baseball game for the local kids hosted by Morgan and Josie as their independent project. The kids had a blast and it was really cute watching them play.
Today is our final day in La Guazara which is bittersweet. We will miss this community a lot and will always remember the friendships we made.  Tonight we will celebrate our time here with a despedida of food, music, dancing and thanking the community for such an amazing experience!
Erin and Carla
Group shot overlooking a gorgeous view of the ocean as we drove to Bahia de las Aguilas
We had to take two boats to arrive to the beach of Bahia de las Aguilas
The water was so clear. What a beautiful place!
Our campsite.
Enjoying the river at Los Patos with some of our local friends who joined us on our weekend excursion.
Morgan organizing his baseball team.
Batter up! Josie’s team in the outfield and Morgan’s team first up to bat. The tournament was a lot of fun and the local kids loved it!